Fabio Vittorelli


Fabio Vittorelli, born in Milan a few years ago, has always been passionate about photography, first analogue and then digital. Fabio takes pictures because he enjoys doing it.
"The photography does not show the reality, it shows the idea which someone has of it." Neil Leifer
"..Because the photo is democratic, it belongs to everyone, even if it does not reveal the same secret to everyone". Oliviero Toscani
".... the unconscious meets the conscious in the act of photograpy..." Vincent Peters.
"Photographer Fabio Vittorelli is an ‘existentialist’, known for his highly symbolic shots. His photographs, scattered with shadows and reflections, mirror human life: Fabio puts people at the centre of his work, raises them above daily triviality and creates a new dimension, where wish, silence and remorse remain unheard.
Fabio catches the essence of a situation and shapes it with a simple touch, thus moving it to a different level of perception – less real and more symbolic.
Dreams and figures are gracefully proposed – the photographs hold up the observer’s mental space; more so, they broaden and expand it towards connections, feelings and admiration."
Walter Scappini
As a journalist storyteller with Italiani di Frontiera investigating Italian talent, I've always been inspired by this famous quote by Henry David Thoreau. People who have made and are making a difference are the ones who are able to see what many others don't see, finding opportunities where others see only problems.
As an old friend of Fabio, I am fascinated by his ability to tell stories without words, through his unique gift to catch the right shot in the right moment. Very straightforward, yet very complicated.
Behind this simple action of photography, there is a special talent in "seeing" what others don't see; in a landscape, in a person.
As a humble artist in a country often celebrating the bold, Fabio doesn't speak too much of his (wonderful) work as a photographer. A dinner with him is highlighted with his sharp sense of humor and his ironic eye on Italian public life. In his pictures, you won't find too much of this irony while he fully expresses an incredibly sharp view on humanity and its habitat. Nothing needs to be explained in his visual narrative. I am left wondering how deep he can touch our hearts.
Roberto Bonzio